Depancel, Montres Françaises : Les coulisses de fabrication.

In the backstage of Depancel's workshop.

You recently pre-ordered a Depancel and since you opted for quality, it will take three to six months before your watch gets to your wrist.
Le premier chronographe Depancel

The first Depancel Chronograph

The Chronograph is the most important watchmaking complication in the world of cars. Participate in the creation of the future Depancel chronograph, the favourite accessory and indispensable tool f...
Montres mécaniques et montres à quartz

Automatic and Mecaquartz movements

The principle of a mecaquartz movement is to combine the precision of quartz with the beauty of traditional watchmaking, thanks to a quartz movement paired with a mechanical module.
La belle histoire de l'horlogerie

The Intricate History of Timepieces

We’re going behind the scenes of humanity’s quest to measure time using everything from the first sundial to modern watches.
L’histoire des Ton-Up Boys & des Café Racer

The History of Ton-Up Boys and Café Racers

Let’s take a trip back in time to meet the first Ton-Up Boys in 1950s Britain.
Rencontre avec Stephan Lamarre : Pilote du Dakar Classic

Interview with Stephan Lamarre: Dakar Classic Driver

At Depancel, we were very curious to know more about this race and its participants, so we went to meet Stephan Lamarre, a Dakar Classic driver.
Repousser ses limites au milieu du désert

Pushing your limits in the middle of the desert

At Depancel, we are passionate about cars and watches. What we like most of all is to highlight the strong links that exist between these two worlds and how one can serve the other.
The Distinguished Gentleman's Drive

The Distinguished Gentleman's Drive

Today, September 25, 2022, is the Distinguished Gentleman's Drive, a rally of elegance that brings together gentlemen drivers from around the world.

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